Winnie Ko
Full Professor of Mathematics Education
Director of the Mathematics Education Program
Indiana State University
Research Support
Principal Investigator, Building love for algebra and geometry, funded by the Indiana Department of Education Student Learning Recovery Grant. May 2021-June 2023.
Principal Investigator, Making proof accessible to undergraduate students through communal engagement, funded by the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. June 2019-May 2020.
Principal Investigator, Analyzing undergraduate students' learning of proof through communal engagement, funded by the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. April 2019-June 2019.
Principal Investigator, Reasoning-and-proving opportunities in the College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) curriculum materials, funded by the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. February 2019-May 2019.
Principal Investigator, Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ understanding and learning of proof, funded by the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. January 2019-April 2019.
Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator for Indiana State University sub-award), Creating Algebra Teaching Communities for Hoosiers (CATCH) [in collaboration with Doris Moher (Principal Investigator, University of Southern Indiana), Jill Newton (Co-Principal Investigator, Purdue University), Rick Hudson (Co-Principal Investigator, University of Southern Indiana), Jean Lee (Co-Principal Investigator, University of Indianapolis), and Jodi Frost (Co-Principal Investigator, Indiana State University)], funded by the Indiana Department of Education. 2015-2018.
Principal Investigator, Inquiry-based learning instruction in a proof in secondary school mathematics course, funded by the Indiana State University Experiential Learning and Community Engagement. 2014-2015.
Principal Investigator, Constructing and evaluating proofs: Important practices for pre-service secondary mathematics teachers, funded by the Indiana State University Research Committee. 2013-2014.