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Research Support

Principal Investigator, Building love for algebra and geometry, funded by the Indiana Department of Education Student Learning Recovery Grant. May 2021-June 2023.


Principal Investigator, Making proof accessible to undergraduate students through communal engagement, funded by the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. June 2019-May 2020.


Principal Investigator, Analyzing undergraduate students' learning of proof through communal engagement, funded by the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. April 2019-June 2019.


Principal Investigator, Reasoning-and-proving opportunities in the College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) curriculum materials, funded by the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. February 2019-May 2019.


Principal Investigator, Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ understanding and learning of proof, funded by the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. January 2019-April 2019.


Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator for Indiana State University sub-award), Creating Algebra Teaching Communities for Hoosiers (CATCH) [in collaboration with Doris Moher (Principal Investigator, University of Southern Indiana), Jill Newton (Co-Principal Investigator, Purdue University), Rick Hudson (Co-Principal Investigator, University of Southern Indiana), Jean Lee (Co-Principal Investigator, University of Indianapolis), and Jodi Frost (Co-Principal Investigator, Indiana State University)], funded by the Indiana Department of Education. 2015-2018.


Principal Investigator, Inquiry-based learning instruction in a proof in secondary school mathematics course, funded by the Indiana State University Experiential Learning and Community Engagement. 2014-2015.


Principal Investigator, Constructing and evaluating proofs: Important practices for pre-service secondary mathematics teachers, funded by the Indiana State University Research Committee. 2013-2014.

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