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Conference Presentations

+Undergraduate student; ++Graduate student


​+Sill, MP, Ko, Y. Y., & +Baker, E. (March, 2025). How and why undergraduates read proofs: An exploration of strategies and purposes. Session to be presented at the 2025 Research Council on Mathematics Learning, College Station, TX.


 +Baker, E., Ko, Y. Y., & +Sill, MP. (March, 2025). Foundations of proof: Insights from instructors. Session to be presented at the 2025 Research Council on Mathematics Learning, 

College Station, TX.


Ko, Y. Y., & ++Craft, A. (2025, March). Exploring the roles of proof in mathematics: The transformation of undergraduate students’ views. Session to be presented at the 2025 Research Council on Mathematics Learning, College Station, TX.


Brown, E., Ko, Y. Y., Taylor, C., Breiding, A. (2025, February). Inflection points: Career and life trajectories of mathematics teacher educators. Session presented at the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Reno, NV.


Kirwan, J. V., Ko, Y. Y., Marin, K. A., & Gerardo, J. M. (2025, February). Residue and supports for novice teachers in the shift from preservice to in-service. Session presented at the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Reno, NV.


Holden, L., & Ko, Y. Y. (2025, January). Pythagorean spiral. Session presented at the 2025 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Franklin, IN.


Ko., Y. Y., +Sill, MP., +Baker, E., +Harrison, M., &++Yom, T. (2025, January). Making mathematics magical: One-cut-letter activities. Session presented at the 2025 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Franklin, IN.


Ko., Y. Y., +Baker, E., +Harrison, M., +Sill, MP., & ++Yom, T. (2025, January). Incorporating play mathematics: One-cut-heart activities. Session presented at the 2025 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Franklin, IN.


+Baker, E., Ko, Y. Y., & +Sill, MP. (2025, January). What is proof? Perceptions of instructors teaching transition-to-proof courses. Session presented at the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA.


+Sill, MP., Ko, Y. Y., & +Baker, E. (2025, January). Reading proofs: Purposes and strategies of undergraduate mathematics students. Session presented at the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA.


Ko, Y. Y., +Baker, E., & +Sill, MP. (2025, January). Investigating roles of proof: Perceptions of pre-service secondary mathematics teachers. Session presented at the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA.


Ko, Y. Y., Bleiler-Baxter, K., & Kirby, J. (2024, February). Learner vs. mathematical perspectives: Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ interpretations of roles of proof. Poster to be presented at the 2024 Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 


Kirby, J., Bleiler-Baxter, K., & Ko, Y. Y. (2024, February). How undergraduates make decisions when co-validating mathematical proofs? Poster presented to the 2024 Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.


Kirwan, J. V., Ko, Y. Y., Barker, D. D., & Winsor, M. S. (2024, February). Practice-based experiences for prospective teachers. Session to be presented at the Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL. 


Ko, Y. Y., Goodwin, C., & ++Herrera, E. (2023, October). Fold to mold: Origami-based activities’ effect on middle school students’ beliefs about mathematics. Session to be presented at the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Reno, NV.


Ko, Y. Y., & ++Johnson, A. (2023, March). Effects of using the class-based criteria for proof. Session presented at the 2023 Research Council on Mathematics Learning, Las Vegas, NV.


Ko, Y. Y., Goodwin, C., & ++Herrera, E. (2023, March). Rebuilding students’ love for mathematics. Session presented at the 2023 Research Council on Mathematics Learning, Las Vegas, NV.


Ko, Y. Y., Goodwin, C., +Daner, D., +Ream, L., & +Rebber, G. (2022, December). The heart of math: Exploring math with one-cut origami. Session presented at the 2022 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, MD.


Ko, Y. Y., ++Johnson, A., & Rose, M. (2022, November). Does student-centered instruction matter? Investigating undergraduate students’ perceptions on proof. Session presented at the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 2022. Seville, Spain. (Virtually)


Ko, Y. Y., & Rose, M. (2021, December). Pre-service mathematics teachers proof perceptions across grade levels. Session presented at the Thirty-Seventh Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan. Changhua, Taiwan. (Virtually)


+Holden, L., Ko, Y. Y., +Runge, J., & +Maxwell, D. (2021, November). An origami activity that doesn’t “cut” out geometry. Session presented at the 2021 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Phoenix, AZ. (Virtually)


Ko, Y. Y., +Edgecomb, D., & +Kooi, N. (2021, May). Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evolution of communally agreed-on criteria for proof. Session presented at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Mazatlán, Mexico. (Virtually)


+Runge, J., +Holden, L., +Beeman, E., & Ko, Y. Y. (2021, February). Multiple universities, multiple degrees, one content: Secondary mathematics. Session presented at the 2021 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN. (Virtually)


Ko, Y. Y., & ++Rose, M. (2020, December). Relationships between convincing arguments and mathematical proofs: Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evaluations of own constructions. Session presented at the Thirty-Sixth Annual International Conference of 

Association of Science Education Taiwan. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Virtually)


Ko, Y. Y., & ++Rose, M. (2020, December). Mathematical proofs vs. convincing arguments: Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ criteria for self-constructions. Session presented at the Thirty-Sixth Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan. 

Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Virtually)


Ko, Y. Y., +Davis, J., & +Goodwin, C. (2019, September). One cut, multiple concepts: A joyful approach to learning geometry. Session presented at the 2019 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Ko, Y. Y., +Edgecomb, D., & +Kooi, N. (2019, September). Building our love of geometry. Session presented at the 2019 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Ko, Y. Y., +Edgecomb, D., & +Kooi, N. (2019, January). Making proof accessible to undergraduate students through communal engagement. Session presented at the 2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD.


Ko, Y. Y., Park, H., & Yee, S. P. (2018, November). Supporting prospective teachers in their learning and teaching of argumentation, justification, and proof. Panel discussion in the Conceptions and consequences of what we call argumentation, justification, and proof working group at the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Greenville, SC.


Ko, Y. Y. (2018, November). Making sense of fraction word problems: The use of tape diagrams. Session presented at the 2018 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Lee, J., Max, B., Hudson, R., Ko, Y. Y., Taylor, C., & Mohr, D. (2018, February). Molding teachers’ visions of algebraic learning and teaching: Reflecting on a three-year algebra professional development. Session presented at the Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of Annual Conference

of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Houston, TX.


Ko, Y. Y., & Boyle, J. D. (2017, November). Algebra for all: The design of accessible tasks. Session presented at the 2017 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Ko, Y. Y., Boyle, J. D., & Males, L. M. (2017, October). What counts as learning: Challenges for preparing, enacting, and analyzing rehearsals. Session presented at the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics

Education, Indianapolis, IN.


Boyle, J. D., & Ko, Y. Y. (2017, April). Reasoning about algebraic concepts: Designing tasks to provide opportunities for all students. Session presented at the 2017 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX.  


Boyle, J. D., Ko, Y. Y., & Males, L. M. (2017, April). Rehearsals in methods courses: How to analyze evidence of learning? Session presented at the 2017 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, San Antonio, TX. 


Hudson, R., Ko, Y. Y., Mohr, D., Lee, J., Frost, J., Max, B., Taylor, C, & Hoffman, A. (2017, February). Developing a statewide community of practice to support algebra instruction. Session presented at the Twenty-First Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher

Educators, Orlando, FL. 


Ko, Y. Y., & Boyle, J. D. (2016, November). Constructing mathematical arguments: The design of accessible algebraic tasks for all students. Session presented at the 2016 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Yee, S. P., Ko, Y. Y., Boyle, J. D., & Bleiler-Baxter, S. K. (2016, November). Constructing communal criteria for proof through critiquing the reasoning of others. Session presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Tucson, AZ.


Yee, S. P., Ko, Y. Y., Bleiler-Baxter, S. K., & Boyle, J. D. (2016, April). Constructing and critiquing arguments: Effect of an instructional sequence. Session presented at the 2016 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, San Francisco, CA.


Ko, Y. Y., Yee, S. P., Boyle, J. D., Bleiler-Baxter, S. K., Rumsey, C., Whitacre, I., & Lesseig, K. (2016, January). Supporting teachers’ capabilities to engage students in constructing viable arguments and critiquing others’ reasoning. Symposium presented at the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Irvine, CA.


Ko, Y. Y. (2015, December). Self and peer evaluations of mathematical arguments using class-based criteria for proof. Session presented at the Thirty-First Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan, Kenting, Taiwan.


Ko, Y. Y., Yee, S. P., Boyle, J. D., & Bleiler-Baxter, S. K. (2015, December). Shift in arguments: Effect of an instructional sequence. Session

presented at the Thirty-First Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan, Kenting, Taiwan.


Ko, Y. Y., Boyle, J. D., & Yee, S. P. (2015, November). Developing a communal understanding of proof though creating classroom-based criteria. Session presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2015 Regional Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. 


Ko, Y. Y., & +Stark, J. (2015, November). Consistent or inconsistent standards? Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evaluations of mathematical arguments. Poster presented at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, East Lansing, MI.


Hoffman, A., Frost, J., Hudson, R., Ko, Y. Y., Lee, J., Max, B., Mohr, D., Newton, J., & Taylor, C. (2015, October). Creating teaching communities across universities, within school corporations, and beyond. Session presented at the 2015 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Hudson, R., Ko, Y. Y., Taylor, C, Frost, J., Lee, J., Mohr, D., & Newton, J. (2015, October). Using growing patterns to support students’ thinking about functions. Session presented at the 2015 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Ko, Y. Y. (2015, October). Engaging students in constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others. Session presented at the 2015 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Boyle, J. D., Bleiler, S. K., Ko, Y. Y., & Yee, S. P. (2015, April). What counts? Developing a communal classroom criteria of proof. Session presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition, Boston, MA. 


Boyle, J. D., Bleiler, S. K., Yee, S. P., & Ko, Y. Y. (2015, April). Constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others: Where to start? Session presented at the Forty-Seventh Annual Conference of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, Boston, MA.


Yee, S. P., Boyle, J. D., Ko, Y. Y., & Bleiler, S. K. (2015, February). Empowering ownership of proof with communal proof-writing criteria. Session presented at the Forty-Second Annual Conference the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Los Vegas, NV.


Ko, Y. Y., Yee, S. P., Bleiler, S. K., & Boyle, J. D. (2015, February). Creating classroom-developed criteria for what counts as proof. Session presented at the Nineteen Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.


Ko, Y. Y. (2014, October). Prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ learning from students’ geometric proofs. Session presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2014 Regional Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN. 


Frost, J., & Ko, Y. Y. (2014, October). Developing elementary school students’ understandings of inequality. Session presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2014 Regional Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN. 


Yee, S. P., Ko, Y. Y., Bleiler, S. K., & Boyle, J. D. (2014, July). Communal assessment of proof: Undergraduates’ development. Poster presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vancouver, Canada.


Bleiler, S. K., Ko, Y. Y., Boyle, J. D., & Yee, S. P. (2014, June). Developing a communal understanding of proof-writing criteria. Session presented at the Seventeenth Annual Legacy of R. L. Moore Conference, Denver, CO.


Ko, Y. Y., Yee, S. P., Bleiler, S. K., & Boyle, J. D. (2014, February). Developing a communal understanding of criteria for proof-writing. Poster presented at the 2013 Service, Teaching, and Research (STaR) Session at the Eighteen Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics

Teacher Educators, Irvine, CA.


Bleiler, S. K., Boyle, J. D., Ko, Y. Y., & Yee, S. P. (2014, January). Communal assessment of proof: Undergraduates’ development of proof-writing criteria. Session presented at the 2014 Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD.


Ko, Y. Y., & ++Hagen, C. J. (2013, November). Conviction and validity: Middle school mathematics teachers’ proof evaluations. Session presented at the Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,

Chicago, IL.


Ko, Y. Y. (2013, October). Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers' criterion use in evaluating proofs. Session presented at the 2013 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Mohr, D., Newton, A. J., Lee, S. J., Ko, Y. Y., Hudson, R., & Stump, S. (2013, October). Algebra remediation in Indiana: The untold stories. Session presented at the 2013 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


++Hagen, C. J., & Ko, Y. Y. (2013, April). Teachers’ understandings of proof and mathematical reasoning in middle school. Session presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2013 Research Presession, Denver, CO.


Ko, Y. Y., & ++Hagen, C. J. (2012, November). Middle school mathematics teachers’ justifications about fractions. Poster presented at the Thirty-Fourth Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Kalamazoo, MI.


Ko, Y. Y. (2012, October). Valid or not? Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ proof evaluations. Session presented at the 2012 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN. 


Invited Talks


Ko, Y. Y., & Holden, L. (2024, April). I LOVE MATH: One-cut origami activities. Invited session presented at the 2024 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Virtual Conference.


Ko, Y. Y., & Goodwin, C. (2023, April). Changing middle school students’ beliefs about mathematics: Effects of origami-based activities. Invited talk presented in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN.


Ko, Y. Y., & Goodwin, C. (2023, April). I LOVE MATH: Exploring one-cut origami. Invited talk presented at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN.


Ko, Y. Y. (2017, May). Algebraic reasoning for all students: The design of accessible tasks. Invited workshop talk presented at New Horizon of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 


Ko, Y. Y. (2016, May). Learning goals matter. Invited colloquium talk presented at the Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 


Ko, Y. Y. (2015, December). Constructing and critiquing arguments: A three-component instructional sequence. Invited colloquium talk presented at the Department of Mathematics, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan.


Ko, Y. Y. (2015, December). Characteristics of mathematical tasks. Invited class talk presented at the Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


Ko, Y. Y. (2014, May). Developing a communal understanding of what counts as proof. Invited class talk presented at the Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


Ko, Y. Y. (2013, January). Validating proofs: An important practice for undergraduate mathematics majors. Invited class talk presented at the Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

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