Project Description
"Building Love for Algebra and Geometry" is a two-year project funded by an Indiana Department of Education's Learning Recovery Grant. The purpose of this project is to support students whose mathematical learning was affected by COVID-19 Pandemic. The pandemic effected everyone, but students took a hard hit due to setbacks schools had and have throughout this difficult time.
For this project, we create, develop, design, and implement hands-on activities that target the Indiana Middle School Mathematical Standards at a local school. Our activities provide opportunities for students to (a) learn mathematics in various ways; (b) recognize their strengths of mathematical thoughts; (c) develop positive attitudes towards mathematics; (d) collaborate with peers; (e) appreciate different ideas; (f) enhance critical thinking skills; and (g) build love for mathematics.
Majority of our activities outlined involve origami activities that are connected to a variety of mathematical ideas. During this two-year project, we will continue to refine our activities that we see fit during our teaching at a local middle school. Every version of our activities will be available for you to view in the tabs at the top of the page.

Project Personnel
Winnie Ko
Dr. Winnie Ko is a Full Professor of Mathematics Education at Indiana State University. Her primary research interests are the teaching and learning of fundamental mathematical practices in both school and university settings, particularly as they relate to mathematical reasoning, representation, generalization, justification, and proof.
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Connor Goodwin
Mr. Connor Goodwin is the program coordinator for the project. He received his bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Mathematics Education from Indiana State University.
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