Winnie Ko
Full Professor of Mathematics Education
Director of the Mathematics Education Program
Indiana State University
Journal Articles
+Undergraduate student; ++Graduate student
+Beeman, E., +Runge, J., +Holden, L., +Maxwell, D., & Ko, Y. Y. (2024). The Chain Rule does not have to be a pain rule. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 21(1-2), 315-326.
Ko, Y. Y., Goodwin, C., +Ream, L., & +Rebber, G. (2023). Encouraging students to LOVE MATH with one-straight-cut letters. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK–12, 116(12), 923-930.
+Holden, L., +Maxwell, D, Ko, Y. Y., Lee, C. H., +Runge, J., & +Beeman, E. (2023). Exploring geometry: One-cut cat activities. Indiana Mathematics Teacher, Spring/Summer 2023, 14-17.
Ko, Y. Y., & Rose, M. (2022). Considering proofs: Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ criteria for self-constructed and student-generated arguments. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 64,
+Holden, L., Ko, Y. Y., +Maxwell, D., Goodwin, C., Lee, C. H., +Runge, J., & +Beeman, E. (2022). Exploring geometry with origami one-cut-heart. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K–12, 115(9), 650-658.
Ko, Y. Y., & ++Rose, M. (2021). Are self-constructed and student-generated arguments acceptable proofs? Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 64,
Yee, S. P., Boyle, J. D., Ko, Y. Y., & Bleiler-Baxter, S. K. (2018). Effects of constructing, critiquing, and revising arguments within university classrooms. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 49, 145-162.
Ko, Y. Y., Yee, S. P., Bleiler-Baxter, S. K., & Boyle, J. D. (2016). Empowering students’ proof learning through communal engagement. Mathematics Teacher, 109(8), 618-624.
Boyle, J. D., Bleiler, S. K., Yee, S. P., & Ko, Y. Y. (2015). Transforming perceptions of proof: A four-part instructional sequence. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 4(1), 32-70.
Lin, C. Y., Ko, Y. Y., & Kuo, Y. C. (2014). Changes in pre-service teachers’ algebraic misconceptions by using computer-assisted instruction. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, 21(3), 89-102.
Lee, J. S., Newton, J. A., & Ko, Y. Y. (2014). Algebra remediation in Indiana: Questions raised from a survey. Indiana Mathematics Teacher, Spring/Summer 2014, 1-4.
Lo, J. J., & Ko, Y. Y. (2013). A bargain price for teaching about percentage. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 19(2), 108-115.
Ko, Y. Y., & Karadag, Z. (2013). Fostering middle school students’ relational thinking of the equal sign using GeoGebra. Mevlana International Journal of Education, 3(3), 45-49.
Lin, C. Y., Becker, J., Ko, Y. Y., & Byun, M. (2013). Enhancing pre-service teachers’ fraction knowledge through open approach instruction. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 32(3), 309-330.
Ko, Y. Y., & Knuth, E. (2013). Validating proofs and counterexamples across content domains: Practices of importance for mathematics majors. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 32(1), 20-35.
Ko, Y. Y. (2010). Mathematics teachers’ conceptions of proof: Implications for educational research. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8(6), 1109-1129.
Ko, Y. Y., & Knuth, E. (2009). Undergraduate mathematics majors’ writing performance producing proofs and counterexamples about continuous functions. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 28(1), 68-77.
Book Chapters
Lo, J. J., & Ko, Y. Y. (2018). A bargain price for teaching about percentage. In S. McMillen, P. del Prado Hill, & E. Friedland (Eds.), Integrating math across the K-6 curriculum. Reston, VA: NCTM. Retrieved from
Browning, C. A., Harrison, J. L., Harrison, R., Ko, Y. Y., Panorkou, N., & Yoder, M. A. (2016). Using children’s thinking to develop mathematical content knowledge. In L. C. Hart, S. Oesterle, S. S. Auslander, & A. Kajander (Eds.), The mathematics education of elementary teachers: Issues and strategies for content courses (pp. 25-50). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Bleiler, S. K., Ko, Y. Y., Yee, S. P., & Boyle, J. D. (2015). Community development and evolution of a rubric for proof writing. In C. Suurtamm & A. R. McDuffie (Eds.), Annual perspectives in math ed 2015: Assessment to enhance learning and teaching (pp. 97-108). Reston, VA: NCTM.
Conference Proceedings
+Undergraduate student; ++Graduate student
Ko, Y. Y., & ++Craft, A. (2025). Transforming roles of proof: Evolution of undergraduate students’ perceptions. In A. Wheeler, & P. Kaur Bharaj (Eds.), Proceedings of the fifty-second Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (pp.82- 89). College Station,
Baker, D., Chavez, O., Azimi, S., & Ko, Y. Y. (2024). Convince, understand, teach: Secondary mathematics teachers’ choices about using proof. Proceedings of the 123rd annual convention of the School Science and Mathematics Association (Vol. 11, pp. 25-33). Knoxville, TN: SSMA.
Ko., Y. Y., ++Johnson, A., & Rose, M. (2024). What is proof? Comparing pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ and undergraduate mathematics students’ perceptions. Poster to be appeared in the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Ko, Y. Y., Bleiler-Baxter, K., & Kirby, J. (2024). Learner vs. mathematical perspectives: Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ interpretations of roles of proof. Poster to be appeared in the Proceedings of the 2024 Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
Kirby, J., Bleiler-Baxter, K., & Ko, Y. Y. (2024). How undergraduates make decisions when co-validating mathematical proofs? Poster to be appeared in the Proceedings of the 2024 Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
Ko, Y. Y., Goodwin, C., & ++Herrera, E. (2023). Fold to mold: Origami-based activities’ effect on middle school students’ beliefs about mathematics. In T. Lamberg & D. Moss (Eds.), Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2, pp. 119-123). University of Nevada, Reno.
Ko, Y. Y., & ++Johnson, A. (2023). Effects of using the class-based criteria for proof. In G. Cobbs & D. Kombe, (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (pp. 26-35). Las Vegas, NV.
Ko, Y. Y., & Rose, M. (2021). Pre-service mathematics teachers proof perceptions across grade levels. Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan. Changhua, Taiwan.
Ko, Y. Y., & ++Rose, M. (2020). Relationships between convincing arguments and mathematical proofs: Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evaluations of own constructions. Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan.
Ko, Y. Y., & ++Rose, M. (2020). Mathematical proofs vs. convincing arguments: Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ criteria for self-constructions. Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Ko, Y. Y., +Edgecomb, D., & +Kooi, N. (2020). Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evolution of communally agreed-on criteria for proof. Proceedings of the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics
Education (pp. 1624-1628). Mazatlán, Mexico.
Ko, Y. Y., Boyle, J. D., & Males, L. M. (2017). What counts as learning: Challenges for preparing, enacting, and analyzing rehearsals. Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Indianapolis, IN.
Yee, S. P., Ko, Y. Y., Boyle, J. D., & Bleiler-Baxter, S. K. (2016). Constructing communal criteria for proof through critiquing the reasoning of others. In M. B. Wood, E. E. Turner, M. Civil, & J. A. Eli (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 652-659). Tucson, AZ.
Ko, Y. Y. (2015). Self and peer evaluations of mathematical arguments using class-based criteria for proof. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan. Kenting, Taiwan.
Ko, Y. Y., Yee, S. P., Boyle, J. D., & Bleiler-Baxter, S. K. (2015). Shift in arguments: Effect of an instructional sequence. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan. Kenting, Taiwan.
Ko, Y. Y., & +Stark, J. (2015). Consistent or inconsistent standards? Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evaluations of mathematical arguments. In T. G. Bartell, K. N. Bieda, R. T. Putnam, K. Bradfield, & H. Dominguez (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh37th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (p. 422). East Lansing, MI.
Yee, S. P., Boyle, J. D., Ko, Y. Y., & Bleiler, S. K. (2015). Empowering ownership of proof with communal proof-writing criteria. In S. M. Che & K. A. Adolphson (Eds.). Proceedings of the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (pp. 33-41). Las Vegas, NV.
Yee, S. P., Ko, Y. Y., Bleiler, S. K., & Boyle, J. D. (2014). Communal assessment of proof: Undergraduates’ development. In P. Liljedahl, S. Oesterle, C. Nicol, & D. Allan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 6, p. 415). Vancouver, Canada: PME.
Ko, Y. Y., & ++Hagen, C. J. (2013). Conviction and validity: Middle school mathematics teachers’ proof evaluations. In M. Martinez & A. Castro Superfine (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 801-804). Chicago, IL.
Other Written Products
Brown, E., & Ko, Y. Y. (2022). A brief comparison of 2012 and 2020 NCTM/CAEP Standards 5, 6, and 7.
Brown, E., & Ko, Y. Y. (2021). A brief comparison of 2012 and 2020 NCTM/CAEP Standards 3 and 4.
Brown, E., & Ko, Y. Y. (2021). A brief comparison of 2012 and 2020 NCTM/CAEP Standards 1 and 2.
Shaughnessy, M., Ko, Y. Y., Orrill, C., Boston, M., Dietiker, L., & Raygoza, M. C. (2020). The 2018 NSSM+ report: Implications for future