Winnie Ko
Full Professor of Mathematics Education
Director of the Mathematics Education Program
Indiana State University

Principles of Statistics (Fall 2020 & 2023)
Taught a course focused on analyzing real-world quantitative data, interpreting that data through a variety of mathematical and statistical processes (i.e. standardized modeling, linear regression), evaluating sample data against population norms (hypothesis testing), and explaining results in written and oral presentations.
Middle School Mathematics from an Advanced Perspective (Spring 2020)
Taught a course focused on algebra, number theory, and reasoning and proving, along with pedagogical implications for pre-service middle school mathematics teachers.
Discreet Mathematics (Spring 2019; Fall 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, & 2024)
Taught a course focused on sets, relations, functions, graphs, trees, and networks, propositional and predicate logic, combinatorial methods, recursion and iteration, and applications of discrete structures that could include linear programming and designing data structures.
Math 488 Teaching Middle School Mathematics II (Fall 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, & 2024)
Designed and taught a course focused on algebra, geometry, probability, proof, statistics, and number theory with a particular emphasis on pedagogical implications for pre-service middle school mathematics teachers.
Calculus II (Spring 2018; Fall 2018 & 2019)
Taught a course focused on transcendental functions, applications, and techniques of integration, indeterminate forms, sequences, and infinite series.
Calculus I (Fall 2017; Fall 2020 & 2021-Online; Fall 2024; Summer 2018; Summer 2019 & 2020-Online)
Taught a course focused on limits, continuity, differentiation, anti-derivates, the definite integral, the fundamental theorem of integral calculus, and applications.
Concepts of Numbers & Operations (Fall 2016, 2017, 2018, & 2019; Spring 2016, 2017, 2022, & 2024; Summer 2018 & 2019; Summer 2020-Online)
Taught a course focused on numbers, number operations, fractions, decimals, and percents, along with pedagogical implications for pre-service elementary school mathematics teachers.
Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (Fall 2015 & 2016)
Taught a course focused on set theory, relations and functions, equivalence relations, cardinality, and other topics encountered in modern abstract mathematics, along with emphasis on enhancing undergraduate students’ abilities to read, write, and understand proofs.
Theory of Numbers (Spring 2015 & 2017; Spring 2021 & Spring 2024-Online; Summer 2017)
Taught a course focused on mathematical induction, development of algorithms, number theoretic functions, and solution of congruences.
Topic: Proof in Secondary School Mathematics (Fall 2014; Summer 2015)
Designed and taught a course focused on reasoning and proving at the secondary level for pre-service secondary mathematics teachers .
College Geometry (Spring 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, & 2021)
Taught a course focused on Euclidean and non--Euclidean geometry, metric and synthetic approaches, incidence, betweenness, separation, congruence, transformation, similarity, and the role of the parallel postulate.
Linear Algebra (Fall 2013)
Taught a course focused on systems of linear equations, vector spaces, basic properties of matrices and determinants, linear transformation on a vector space, and eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
College Algebra (Summer 2013, 2014, & 2016)
Taught a course focused on polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions and their graphs of translations, reflections and symmetry, and systems of equations.
Calculus III (Spring 2013; Summer 2015)
Taught a course focused on vectors in 2- and 3-space, vector-valued functions, differentiation and integration of functions of several variables, and line integrals.
Mathematical Structures (Spring 2013, 2014, 2015, & 2016)
Designed and taught a course focused on algebra, number theory, and reasoning and proving, along with pedagogical implications for pre-service middle school mathematics teachers.
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II (Fall 2012, 2013, & 2014; Spring 2013 & 2014)
Taught a course focused on numbers, number operations, fractions, decimals, and percents, along with pedagogical implications for pre-service elementary school mathematics teachers.
Teaching of High School Mathematics (Fall 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, & 2024)
Taught a course focused on algebra, geometry, probability, proof, statistics, and number theory with a particular emphasis on pedagogical implications for pre-service high school mathematics teachers.
Topic: Research Ideas for Mathematics Teaching (Summer 2024-Online)​
Designed and taught a course focused on reading and analyzing research in the areas of mathematics teaching across content domains.
Topic: Issues in Mathematics Teacher Education (Fall 2023-Online)
Designed and taught a course focused on reading and analyzing research in the areas of mathematics teaching and mathematics teacher education.
Teaching Mathematics in Grades 11-16 (Summer 2021 & 2023-Online)
Designed and taught a course focused on algebra, geometry, probability, proof, statistics, and number theory with a particular emphasis on pedagogical implications for grades 11-16 mathematics teachers.
Topic: Advanced Writing in Mathematics Education (Spring 2021-Online)
Designed and taught a course focused on preparing publications for mathematics education conference proceedings and journals.
Topic: Mathematical Reasoning in Middle School (Fall 2020)
Designed and taught a course focused on mathematical reasoning at the middle school level.
Theory of Numbers (Spring 2017; Spring 2021 & 2024-Online)
Taught a course focused on mathematical induction, development of algorithms, number theoretic functions, and solution of congruences.
Topics in Mathematics (Summer 2016)
Designed and taught a course focused on ratios, proportions, functions, equations, and reasoning and proving in secondary school mathematics.
Topic: Proof in Secondary School Mathematics (Summer 2015)
Designed and taught a course focused on reasoning and proving at the secondary level for pre-service secondary mathematics teachers .
Topic: Pedagogical Implications for Reasoning and Proving (Summer 2014)
Designed and taught a course about reasoning and proving in high school mathematics with a focus on pedagogical implications for in-service high school mathematics teachers in Terre Haute, Indiana.
Linear Algebra (Fall 2013)
Taught a course focused on systems of linear equations, vector spaces, basic properties of matrices and determinants, linear transformation on a vector space, and eigenvectors and eigenvalues.