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Past News

November 2018


Dr. Ko receives student wages support from the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. This project is entitled Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ understanding and learning of proof.


Dr. Ko is a panel member in a panel discussion about “Supporting prospective teachers in their learning and teaching of argumentation, justification, and proof” in the Conceptions and Consequences of What We Call Argumentation, Justification, and Proof working group at the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Greenville, SC.


Dr. Ko presents “Making sense of fraction word problems: The use of tape diagrams” at the 2018 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


April 2018


Dr. Ko is awarded tenure with promotion to the rank of Associate Professor at Indiana State University starting on August 1, 2018.


March 2018


Dr. Ko has an article “Effects of constructing, critiquing, and revising arguments within university classrooms” with Dr. Yee (Lead Author, University of South Carolina), Dr. Boyle (Co-Author, The University of Alabama), and Dr. Bleiler-Baxter (Co-Author, Middle Tennessee State University) published in the Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Volume 49, pages 145-162.


February 2018


Dr. Ko presents “Molding teachers’ visions of algebraic learning and teaching: Reflecting on a three-year algebra professional development” with Dr. Lee (Lead Speaker, University of Indianapolis), Dr. Hudson (Co-Speaker, University of Southern Indiana), Dr. Taylor (Co-Speaker, Indiana State University), Mrs. Max (Co-Speaker, Purdue University), and Dr. Moher (Co-Speaker, University of Southern Indiana) at the Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Houston, TX.


November 2017


Dr. Ko presents “Algebra for all: The design of accessible tasks” with Dr. Boyle (Co-Speaker, The University of Alabama) at the 2017 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


October 2017


Dr. Ko presents “What counts as learning: Challenges for preparing, enacting, and analyzing rehearsals” with Dr. Boyle (Co-Speaker, The University of Alabama) and Dr. Males (Co-Speaker, University of Nebraska) at the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Indianapolis, IN. 


May 2017


Dr. Ko gives a talk “Algebraic reasoning for all students: The design of accessible tasks” at the workshop of New Horizon of Mathematics, Taipei, Taiwan. This research is collaboratively designed by Dr. Boyle (The University of Alabama) and Dr. Ko (Indiana State University).


April 2017


Dr. Ko presents “Reasoning about algebraic concepts: Designing tasks to provide opportunities for all students” with Dr. Boyle (Lead Speaker, The University of Alabama) at the 2017 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX. 


Dr. Ko presents “Rehearsals in methods courses: How to analyze evidence of learning?” with Dr. Boyle (Lead Speaker, The University of Alabama) and Dr. Males (Co-Speaker, University of Nebraska) at the 2017 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, San Antonio, TX. 


February 2017


Dr. Ko presents “Developing a statewide community of practice to support algebra instruction” with Dr. Hudson (Lead Speaker, University of Southern Indiana), Dr. Mohr (Co-Speaker, University of Southern Indiana), Dr. Lee (Co-Speaker, University of Indianapolis), Dr. Frost (Co-Speaker, Indiana State University), Mrs. Max (Co-Speaker, Purdue University), Mrs. Taylor (Co-Speaker, Indiana State University), and Mr. Hoffman (Co-Speaker, Purdue University) at the Twenty-First Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.


November 2016


Dr. Ko presents “Constructing mathematical arguments: The design of accessible algebraic tasks for all students” with Dr. Boyle (Co-Speaker, The University of Alabama) at the 2016 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Dr. Ko presents “Constructing communal criteria for proof through critiquing the reasoning of others” with Dr. Yee (Lead Speaker, University of South Carolina), Dr. Boyle (Co-Speaker, The University of Alabama), and Dr. Bleiler-Baxter (Co-Speaker, Middle Tennessee State University) at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Tucson, AZ.


October 2016


Dr. Ko serves on the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Nominations and Elections Committee beginning in 

January 2017. 


August 2016


Dr. Ko has the book chapter “Using children’s thinking to develop mathematical content knowledge” with Dr. Browning (Lead Author, Western Michigan University), Dr. J. Harrison (Co-Author, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Dr. R.  Harrison (Co-Author, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Dr. Panorkou (Co-Author, Montclair State University), and Dr. Yoder (Co-Author, Eastern Kentucky University) published in The mathematics education of elementary teachers: Issues and strategies for content courses (pp. 25-50). 


May 2016


Dr. Ko gives a colloquium talk “Learning goals matter at the Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. This research is collaboratively designed by Dr. Boyle (The University of Alabama), Dr. Ko (Indiana State University), and Dr. Males (University of Nebraska-Lincoln).


April 2016


Dr. Ko presents “Constructing and critiquing arguments: Effect of an instructional sequence” with Dr. Yee (Lead Speaker, University of South Carolina), Dr. Bleiler-Baxter (Co-Speaker, Middle Tennessee State University), and Dr. Boyle (Co-Speaker, The University of Alabama) at the 2016 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, San Francisco, CA.


Dr. Ko has an article “Empowering students’ proof learning through communal engagement” with Dr. Yee (Co-Author, University of South Carolina), Dr. Bleiler-Baxter (Co-Author, Middle Tennessee State University), and Dr. Boyle (Co-Author, The University of Alabama) published in Mathematics Teacher, Volume 109, Issue 8, pages 618-624.


January 2016


Dr. Ko presents “Supporting teachers’ capabilities to engage students in constructing viable arguments and critiquing others’ reasoning” with Dr. Yee (Co-Speaker, University of South Carolina), Dr. Boyle (Co-Speaker, The University of Alabama), Dr. Bleiler-Baxter (Co-Speaker, Middle Tennessee State University), Dr. Rumsey (Co-Speaker, Kansas State University), Dr. Whitacre (Co-Speaker, Florida State University), and Dr. Lesseig (Co-Speaker, Washington State University Vancouver) at the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Irvine, CA.


December 2015


Dr. Ko gives a colloquium talk “Constructing and critiquing arguments: A three-component instructional sequence” at the Department of Mathematics, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan. This research is collaboratively designed by Dr. Bleiler-Baxter (Middle Tennessee State University), Dr. Boyle (The University of Alabama), Dr. Ko (Indiana State University), and Dr. Yee (University of South Carolina).


Dr. Ko gives a class talk "Characteristics of mathematical tasks" at the Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


Dr. Ko presents “Self and peer evaluations of mathematical arguments using class-based criteria for proof” at the Thirty-First Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan, Kenting, Taiwan. This research is supported by the Indiana State University’s Experiential Learning and Community Engagement Grant.


Dr. Ko presents “Shift in arguments: Effect of an instructional sequence” at the Thirty-First Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan, Kenting, Taiwan. This research is collaboratively designed by Dr. Bleiler-Baxter (Middle Tennessee State University), Dr. Boyle (The University of Alabama), Dr. Ko (Indiana State University), and Dr. Yee (University of South Carolina).


November 2015


Dr. Ko presents “Developing a communal understanding of proof though creating classroom-based criteria” at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2015 Regional Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. This research is collaboratively designed by Dr. Bleiler-Baxter (Middle Tennessee State University), Dr. Boyle (The University of Alabama), Dr. Ko (Indiana State University), and Dr. Yee (University of South Carolina).


Dr. Ko presents “Consistent or inconsistent standards? Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evaluations of mathematical arguments” at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, East Lansing, MI. This research is supported by the Indiana State University’s University Research Committee Grant. 


October 2015 


Dr. Ko presents “Using growing patterns to support students’ thinking about functions” with Dr. Hudson (Lead Speaker, University of Southern Indiana) and Mrs. Taylor (Co-Speaker, Indiana State University) at the 2015 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics 

Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Dr. Ko presents “Engaging students in constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others” at the 2015 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN. This research is collaboratively designed by Dr. Bleiler-Baxter (Middle Tennessee State University), Dr. Boyle (The University of Alabama), Dr. Ko (Indiana State University), and Dr. Yee (University of South Carolina).


September 2015


Dr. Ko serves on the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Membership Committee beginning in January 2016. 


Dr. Ko has an article “Transforming perceptions of proof: A four-part instructional sequence” with Dr. Boyle (Lead Author, University of Alabama), Dr. Bleiler (Co-Author, Middle Tennessee State University), and Dr. Yee (Co-Author, University of South Carolina) published in Mathematics Teacher Educator, Volume 4, Issue 1, pages 32-70.


May 2015 - July 2015


Dr. Ko is a research advisor of the Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) 2015 Program in the College of Arts and Sciences. 


April 2015


Dr. Ko has become the Director of the Mathematics Education Program in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. 


Dr. Ko has been elected to the Administrative and Faulty Affairs Committee (AFAC) for the College of Arts and Sciences.


Dr. Ko presents “What counts? Developing a communal classroom criteria of proofwith Dr. Boyle (Lead Speaker, The University of Alabama), Dr. Bleiler (Co-Speaker, Middle Tennessee State University), and Dr. Yee (Co-Speaker, University of South Carolina) at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition, Boston, MA. 


Dr. Ko presents “Constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others: Where to start?with Dr. Boyle (Lead Speaker, The University of Alabama), Dr. Bleiler (Co-Speaker, Middle Tennessee State University), and Dr. Yee (Co-Speaker, University of South Carolina) at the Forty-Seventh Annual Conference of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, Boston, MA.


Dr. Ko has the book chapter “Community development and evolution of a rubric for proof writing” with Dr. Bleiler (Lead Author, Middle Tennessee State University), Dr. Yee (Co-Author, University of South Carolina), and Dr. Boyle (Co-Author, The University of Alabama) published in The Annual Perspectives in Math Ed 2015: Assessment to Enhance Learning and Teaching (pp. 97-108).


February 2015


Dr. Ko presents “Creating classroom-developed criteria for what counts as proofwith Dr. Yee (Co-Speaker, University of South Carolina), Dr. Bleiler (Co-Speaker, Middle Tennessee State University), and Dr. Boyle (Co-Speaker, The University of Alabama) at the Nineteen Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.


Dr. Ko receives an Indiana Department of Education Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant with Dr. Moher (Principal Investigator, University of Southern Indiana), Dr. Newton (Co-Principal Investigator, Purdue University), Dr. Hudson (Co-Principal investigator, University of Southern Indiana), Dr. Lee (Co-Principal Investigator, University of Indianapolis), and Dr. Frost (Co-Principal Investigator, Indiana State University). This project is entitled Creating Algebra Teaching Communities for Hoosiers (CATCH).

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