Winnie Ko
Full Professor of Mathematics Education
Director of the Mathematics Education Program
Indiana State University
Recent News

December 2022
Dr. Ko presents “The heart of math: Exploring math with one-cut origami” with Mr. Goodwin (Co-Presenter, IDOE Program Coordinator at Indiana State University), Ms. Daner (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University), Ms. Ream (Co-Presener, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University), and Ms. Rebber (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University) at the 2022 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, MD.
November 2022
Dr. Ko will present “Does student-centered instruction matter? Investigating undergraduate students’ perceptions on proof” with Ms. Johnson (Co-Presenter, Master’s student at Indiana State University) and Ms. Rose (Co-Presenter, Former master’s student at Indiana State University) at the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 2022, Seville, Spain.
September 2022
Dr. Ko has an article “Considering proofs: Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ criteria for self-constructed and student-generated arguments” with Ms. Rose (Co-Author, Former master’s student at Indiana State University) published in the Journal of Mathematics Behavior.
Dr. Ko has an article “Exploring geometry with one-cut-heart” with Ms. Holden (First Author, Undergraduate student at Indiana State University), Mr. Maxwell (Co-Author, Undergraduate student at Indiana State University), Mr. Goodwin (Co-Author, IDOE Program Coordinator at Indiana State University), Mr. Lee (Co-Author, Middle School Mathematics Teacher at Linkou Junior High School in Taiwan), Ms. Runge (Co-Author, Undergraduate student at Indiana State University), and Ms. Beeman (Co-Author, Undergraduate student at Indiana State University) published in Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K–12.
March 2022
Dr. Ko is appointed as the incoming Treasurer for the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA).
December 2021
Dr. Ko presents “Pre-service mathematics teachers proof perceptions across grade levels” with Ms. Rose at the Thirty-Seventh Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan.
Dr. Ko has an article “Are self-constructed and student-generated arguments acceptable proofs? Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evaluations” with Ms. Rose (Co-Author, Graduate Student at Indiana State University) published in the Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Volume 64 (
November 2021
Dr. Ko presents “An origami activity that doesn’t “cut” out geometry” with Ms. Holden (Lead Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University), Ms. Runge (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University), and Mr. Maxwell (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University) at the 2021 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Phoenix , AZ.
May 2021
Dr. Ko receives a "Student learning recovery grant" from the Indiana Department of Education.
February 2021
Dr. Ko presents “Multiple universities, multiple degrees, one content: Secondary Mathematics” with Ms. Runge (Lead Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University), Ms. Holden (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University), and Ms. Beeman (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University) at the 2021 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
December 2020
Dr. Ko presents “Relationships between convincing arguments and mathematical proofs: Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evaluations of own constructions” and “Mathematical proofs vs. convincing arguments: Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ criteria for self-constructions” with Ms. Rose (Co-Presenter, Graduate Student at Indiana State University) at the Thirty-Sixth Annual International Conference of Association of Science Education Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
September 2019
Dr. Ko presents “One cut, multiple concepts: A joyful approach to learning geometry” with Ms. Davis (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University) and Mr. Goodwin (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University) at the 2019 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Dr. Ko presents “Building our love of geometry” with Mr. Edgecomb (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University) and Mr. Kooi (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University) at the 2019 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
April 2019
Dr. Ko receives student wages support from the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. This project is entitled
Analyzing undergraduate students' learning of proof through communal engagement.
February 2019
Dr. Ko receives student wages support from the Indiana State University Center for Student Research and Creativity. This project is entitled Reasoning-and-proving opportunities in the College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) curriculum materials.
January 2019
Dr. Ko presents “Making proof accessible to undergraduate students through communal engagement” with Mr. Edgecomb (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University) and Mr. Kooi (Co-Presenter, Undergraduate Student at Indiana State University) at the 2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD.